CobraMode 51 May 2024 Collection


CobraMode 51 May 2024 Release - Xueren Yetis

Libang Zhao, Xueren Immortal
Qingling Shenzhong, Pure Spirit Bell Deity
Chongyang, Xueren Adept
Weifeng, Xueren Acolyte
Xuehou, Snow Goblins
May Bases Pack - 8x Cracked Ice Base (25mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm), 8x Frozen Lake Base (25mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm), 8x Snowy Cobblestone Base (25mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm), 8x Snowy Wood Base (25mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm), Snowy Plinth and Snowy Shrine Scatter Terrain (Can be printed supportless, flat on the plate except for Scatter Terrain)

Pre-supported STL and LYS files and Unsupported files in 32mm and 54mm scale

Stats by Conflux Creatures - pending

*Files for personal use only

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Redistribution or sale of the digital files is prohibited. Files and prints are for personal use only. Commercial use is only available with a Merchant Tier license, or other formal agreement with CobraMode LLC. 

Use of the models and imagery in conjunction with AI is prohibited.